Advocacy Groups Organizations promoting social and environmental causes.
Advocacy Marketing Promoting social or political causes through marketing efforts.
Alignment Ensuring that the activities and efforts of various stakeholders are coordinated and directed toward common impact goals.
B Corp A certification for businesses meeting high social and environmental performance standards.
Benefit Corporation
(B Corp)
A legal structure for companies committed to social and environmental goals.
Benefit Corporation
(B Corp) Certification
Official recognition of a company meeting high standards of social and environmental responsibility.
Benefit Corporation
(B Corp) Impact Assessment
An evaluation of a B Corp’s social and environmental performance.
Benefit Corporation
(B Corp) Impact Reporting
Documenting a B Corp’s social and environmental achievements and goals.
Brand Authenticity The degree to which a brand’s purpose aligns with its actions.
Causal Relationships Understanding how one element of a system affects another.
Cause Event A promotional event tied to a charitable cause.
Cause Marketing A strategy where a company aligns with a cause or nonprofit organization for mutual benefit.
Cause-Related Marketing Linking product sales to donations for charitable causes.
Circular Design Creating products and systems with the intention of reducing waste and reusing resources.
Circular Economy An economic model focused on minimizing waste and promoting recycling.
Community Development Improving local communities through investment and support.
Community Engagement Involving the local community in a company’s activities.
Community Impact The effects of a program or project on a local community, often related to social, economic, or cultural factors.
Community Investment Financial support for local communities.
Community Investment Fund A fund set up by a company to support local community projects and initiatives.
Community Investment Grants Financial support provided to local organizations and projects by companies.
Community Investment Grants Programs Funding initiatives to support local organizations and projects sponsored by businesses.
Community Investment Initiatives Projects and efforts aimed at supporting and strengthening local communities.
Community Investment Partnerships Collaborative ventures between businesses and local organizations to benefit communities.
Community Investment Strategies Plans and approaches for channeling resources into local communities.
Community Outreach Engaging with local communities to understand their needs.
Community Resilience Strengthening local communities to better withstand and recover from challenges.
Community Resilience Programs Initiatives that empower local communities to adapt and recover from challenges.
Community-Based Enterprises Local businesses that contribute to the well-being of their communities.
Conscious Capitalism A philosophy that companies can serve a higher purpose beyond profit.
Conscious Capitalist A business leader who champions purpose-driven capitalism.
Conscious Capitalist Movement A collective effort to promote ethical and purpose-driven capitalism.
Conscious Capitalist Movements Collective efforts to promote ethical and purpose-driven capitalism across the business world.
Conscious Consumer A shopper who considers a product’s impact on society and the environment.
Conscious Consumer Education Programs and resources to educate consumers about ethical and sustainable choices.
Conscious Leadership Leading with a deep sense of responsibility toward society.
Conscious Marketing Marketing efforts that prioritize transparency and honesty.
Corporate Citizenship A company’s role as a responsible member of society.
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) A company’s efforts to contribute positively to social and environmental issues.
Donor-Advised Fund A philanthropic tool for supporting charitable causes.
Dynamic Complexity The ever-changing nature of complex systems.
Eco-Certification Programs Initiatives that verify a company’s adherence to environmental standards.
Eco-Champion An individual or organization leading the way in environmental protection.
Eco-Champion Awards Recognitions for individuals and organizations making significant contributions to environmental protection.
Eco-Champion Recognition Awards and honors for individuals and organizations making substantial contributions to environmental conservation.
Eco-Conscious Consumer A consumer who considers environmental factors when making purchasing decisions.
Eco-Conscious Event Planning Organizing events with minimal environmental impact.
Eco-Friendly Products and practices designed to minimize harm to the environment.
Eco-Friendly Certification Verification of products and practices as environmentally sustainable.
Eco-Friendly Certification Bodies Organizations responsible for certifying products and practices as environmentally sustainable.
Eco-Labeling The use of labels or symbols on products to indicate their environmental impact.
Eco-Labeling Guidelines Recommendations for accurately and ethically labeling products with environmental claims.
Eco-Labeling Regulations Laws and regulations governing the use of environmental labels on products.
Economic Impact The influence of an event, investment, or policy on economic indicators like employment, income, or GDP.
Emergent Properties Characteristics or behaviors that arise from the interactions of system components.
Employee Engagement Involving employees in a company’s purpose-driven initiatives.
Environmental Impact The consequences of an action or project on the natural world, including ecological and sustainability outcomes.
Environmental Impact Assessment Evaluating the potential ecological effects of a project or product.
Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines Recommendations for conducting assessments of a project’s potential environmental effects.
Environmental Impact Assessment Report A comprehensive document evaluating the potential environmental effects of a project or action.
Environmental Stewardship The responsible management of natural resources.
ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Criteria Factors used to evaluate a company’s impact on sustainability and societal issues.
Ethical Banking Financial institutions that prioritize ethical investments and responsible lending.
Ethical Certification A seal or label indicating a product’s adherence to ethical standards.
Ethical Certification Bodies Organizations responsible for certifying products and companies as ethical or sustainable.
Ethical Certification Validation The process of ensuring that products and companies meet the ethical standards set by certification bodies.
Ethical Consumer Behavior Choices made as a consumer to support ethical and responsible products.
Ethical Consumer Behavior Research Studies and analysis of consumer choices and preferences related to ethical products.
Ethical Consumer Education Programs Initiatives to inform consumers about ethical and sustainable purchasing choices.
Ethical Consumption Making purchasing decisions based on the ethical and moral values of the product or brand.
Ethical Investment Investing in companies with strong ethical principles.
Ethical Investment Fund Portfolios Diversified investment portfolios focused on companies with strong ethical values.
Ethical Investment Funds Investment vehicles that focus on companies with strong ethical values.
Ethical Investment Opportunities Investment options that align with ethical and sustainable principles.
Ethical Labeling Labels on products indicating adherence to ethical standards.
Ethical Labor Practices Audit An examination of a company’s employment practices to ensure they meet ethical standards.
Ethical Labor Practices Compliance Ensuring that a company adheres to ethical labor standards and laws.
Ethical Marketing Marketing practices that adhere to moral principles.
Ethical Marketing Practices Marketing methods that avoid deceptive or unethical tactics.
Ethical Procurement Policy A set of guidelines for sourcing materials and resources with a commitment to ethical practices.
Ethical Sourcing Procuring materials and resources with a commitment to ethical practices.
Ethical Sourcing Audits Evaluations to verify that a company’s procurement practices adhere to ethical standards.
Ethical Sourcing Policy A set of guidelines governing how a company procures materials and resources.
Ethical Sourcing Standards Set criteria for responsibly procuring materials and resources.
Ethical Supply Chain Ensuring ethical and responsible practices in the production process.
Ethical Supply Chain Auditing A process to evaluate a product’s entire supply chain for ethical practices and transparency.
Ethical Supply Chain Management Strategies for ensuring ethical and responsible practices within the supply chain.
Externalities Unintended effects of an economic transaction on parties not involved in the transaction.
Fair Labor Certification Verification that a company complies with ethical labor practices and regulations.
Fair Labor Certification Audits Evaluations to ensure that a company complies with ethical labor practices and regulations.
Fair Labor Practices Treating workers justly and providing safe working conditions.
Fair Trade A certification ensuring fair wages and working conditions for producers.
Fair Trade Advocacy Promoting the principles of fair trade and advocating for ethical trade practices.
Fair Trade Advocacy Campaigns Efforts to promote fair trade principles and advocate for ethical trade practices.
Fair Trade Certification Assurance that a product meets ethical trade standards.
Fair Trade Principles The core values and standards that guide fair trade organizations.
Fair Wage Payment to workers that meets basic living standards and local wage regulations.
Feedback Loops Mechanisms in a system where outputs influence future inputs.
Grassroots Marketing Local, community-focused marketing initiatives.
Green Brand A brand that is associated with eco-friendly and sustainable products or practices.
Green Building Construction practices that focus on energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.
Green Building Innovation Advancements and technologies in construction that prioritize sustainability and energy efficiency.
Green Building Standards Industry guidelines for constructing eco-friendly and energy-efficient buildings.
Green Certification Verification that a product meets environmental standards.
Green Energy Clean and renewable energy sources like solar and wind.
Green Energy Solutions Renewable energy sources and technologies for a sustainable future.
Green Marketing Ethics Guidelines for ethical advertising and marketing of environmentally friendly products.
Green Marketing Ethics Training Education on ethical advertising and marketing practices for eco-friendly products.
Green Supply Chain Reducing the environmental impact of a product’s entire supply chain.
Green Supply Chain Audits Evaluations of a product’s entire supply chain to identify environmental improvements.
Green Supply Chain Management Strategies for reducing the environmental footprint of a product’s entire supply chain.
Green Supply Chain Practices Sustainable approaches to managing a product’s supply chain and distribution.
Green Supply Chain Transparency Ensuring that information about a product’s supply chain is readily available to consumers.
Greenwash Detector Tools and resources to identify false or misleading environmental claims.
Greenwashing The deceptive promotion of products as environmentally friendly when they’re not.
Greenwashing Detection Tools Resources and techniques to identify deceptive or misleading environmental claims.
Holistic Perspective Considering the whole system and its interdependencies rather than isolated parts.
Human Trafficking The illegal trade of humans, often for forced labor or sexual exploitation.
Impact The meaningful and often long-term effects or changes resulting from a specific action, program, or initiative.
Impact Analysis Framework A structured approach for measuring and evaluating a company’s social and environmental impact.
Impact Analysis Software Tools and software applications used to assess the societal and environmental impact of business actions.
Impact Analysis Tools Software and methodologies for assessing the consequences of business decisions on society and the environment.
Impact Assessment Evaluating the effectiveness of social and environmental initiatives.
Impact Assessment The systematic evaluation of the effects of a project, program, or policy on various stakeholders and aspects.
Impact Assessment and Reporting Platforms Software solutions that streamline the process of assessing and communicating a company’s social and environmental impact
Impact Assessment Framework A structured approach for evaluating a company’s social and environmental outcomes.
Impact Assessment Software Tools for collecting, analyzing, and reporting data on social and environmental outcomes.
Impact Economy An economy that prioritizes social and environmental well-being.
Impact Economy Education Programs and resources to educate individuals and businesses about impact-driven economic models.
Impact Economy Frameworks Models and structures for building an economy that prioritizes social and environmental well-being.
Impact Economy Initiatives Efforts to transform traditional economic models into systems that prioritize social and environmental well-being.
Impact Economy Strategies Economic approaches that prioritize social and environmental well-being.
Impact Evaluation Framework A structured approach for assessing the effects of a company’s actions on society and the environment.
Impact Evaluation Software Tools and software applications for collecting, analyzing, and reporting data on social and environmental outcomes.
Impact Goals Clear, specific, and measurable targets related to the desired effects or changes an organization or initiative aims to create.
Impact Investing Investing in companies with a strong focus on social and environmental goals.
Impact Investing Platforms Online platforms connecting impact investors with socially responsible opportunities.
Impact Investment Funds Investment pools focused on generating financial returns alongside positive societal outcomes.
Impact Investment Platforms Online platforms connecting investors with opportunities to create positive social and environmental impact.
Impact Investment Strategies Approaches for aligning investment portfolios with social and environmental goals.
Impact Mapping A visual and collaborative tool used to define the goals and impacts of a project, align stakeholders, and plan strategies.
Impact Measurement Quantifying the social and environmental effects of business activities.
Impact Measurement Tools Software and systems used to quantify and evaluate a company’s social and environmental impact.
Impact Metrics Data used to measure the effectiveness of a company’s social or environmental initiatives.
Impact Metrics Quantifiable indicators and measurements used to assess progress and success in achieving impact goals.
Impact Planning The process of setting objectives, strategies, and actions to achieve specific social, environmental, or economic outcomes.
Impact Reporting Providing regular reports on a company’s social and environmental achievements.
Impact Sourcing Procuring goods and services from underprivileged communities.
Impact Sourcing Solutions Strategies and tools for responsibly procuring products from underserved communities.
Impact Story A narrative showcasing the positive impact of a company’s actions.
Impact-Centered Marketing Strategies that focus on the positive impact of a product or service.
Impact-Driven Business Model A model that prioritizes positive social and environmental effects.
Inclusive Marketing Marketing efforts that reflect diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
Interconnectedness The concept that everything within a system is linked or related.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Specific, measurable metrics used to evaluate the performance and success of impact initiatives.
Local Sourcing The practice of obtaining products or materials from nearby suppliers.
Market Failure When a market does not efficiently allocate resources due to externalities, it results in market failure.
Measurable Impact Impact that can be quantitatively assessed and evaluated through data and performance metrics.
Mission Statement A brief expression of a company’s core purpose and values.
Mission-Driven A business or organization guided primarily by its mission.
Negative consequences Outcomes, effects, or results that follow a specific action, decision, event, or situation. These consequences are typically undesirable, and they can range from minor inconveniences to significant harm or damage
Negative Externalities Unintended costs or harms imposed on third parties by a particular economic activity, such as pollution, congestion, or noise.
Negative Impact Harmful or undesirable effects that result from an action, policy, or event.
Net Positive Making a positive impact that exceeds negative environmental effects.
Non-Linear Relationships Changes in one part of a system that don’t produce proportional effects in another part.
Outcome Mapping A related approach that focuses on mapping behavioral changes, causal relationships, and the contribution of different actors to outcomes.
Philanthropy Charitable donations made by a company or individual.
Pigouvian Tax A tax designed to internalize negative externalities by making the cost of the externality part of the price paid by the party causing it.
Positive consequences Favorable, beneficial, or desirable outcomes, effects, or results that follow a specific action, decision, event, or situation. These consequences typically lead to improvements, advantages, or enhancements in various aspects of life.
Positive Feedback Loop A cycle in which a beneficial consequence reinforces and amplifies a particular behavior or outcome.
Positive Impact Beneficial or desirable outcomes that contribute to social or environmental well-being.
Public-Private Partnerships Collaborations between government and business to address social issues.
Purpose Branding Establishing a brand identity rooted in a higher mission.
Purpose Branding Strategies Methods for establishing a brand identity rooted in a higher mission.
Purpose Statement A clear, concise declaration of a company’s mission beyond profit.
Purpose-Driven Brand Storytelling Crafting narratives that communicate a company’s commitment to its mission.
Purpose-Driven Business Model Canvas A visual tool for designing business models centered around purpose.
Purpose-Driven Business Model Canvas Templates Visual frameworks for designing business models centered around purpose.
Purpose-Driven Content Marketing materials and content that emphasize a company’s mission and values.
Purpose-Driven Employee Benefits Benefits and perks that support a company’s mission and values.
Purpose-Driven Innovation Developing new products or solutions to address social and environmental challenges.
Purpose-Driven Leadership Leadership focused on social and environmental impact.
Purpose-Driven Leadership Development Workshops Hands-on training sessions for individuals seeking to lead with a strong sense of purpose.
Purpose-Driven Leadership Training Programs to develop leaders who prioritize social and environmental impact.
Purpose-Driven Marketing A marketing strategy that emphasizes a brand’s commitment to social or environmental causes.
Purpose-Driven Marketing Agency Firms specializing in crafting and executing purpose-based marketing campaigns.
Purpose-Driven Marketing Strategies Plans and tactics for marketing campaigns centered on a company’s mission.
Purposeful Advertising Advertising campaigns that emphasize a company’s mission.
Purposeful Consumerism Making conscious choices as a consumer to support ethical and sustainable products.
Purposeful Content Marketing Creating and sharing content that highlights a company’s mission and values.
Purposeful Design Designing products and services with a focus on social and environmental benefits.
Purposeful Design Principles Guidelines for designing products with a focus on social and environmental benefits.
Purposeful Employee Training Education and development programs that instill a company’s mission and values in its workforce.
Purposeful Leadership Leading with a clear sense of purpose and a commitment to positive social impact.
Purposeful Leadership Development Programs and training to cultivate leaders focused on social and environmental impact.
Purposeful Leadership Development Programs Training initiatives to groom leaders with a strong sense of purpose.
Purposeful Leadership Development Seminars Educational sessions to cultivate leaders committed to creating positive change.
Purposeful Leadership Development Workshops Hands-on training sessions for aspiring leaders focused on social and environmental impact.
Purposeful Packaging Environmentally friendly and minimalistic packaging for products.
Purposeful Partnerships Collaborations between organizations with shared values and goals.
Purposeful Storytelling Using narratives to convey a brand’s commitment to its purpose.
Purposeful Storytelling Tools Techniques and resources for effectively conveying a brand’s commitment to its mission.
Purposeful Technology Solutions Technological innovations designed to address social and environmental challenges.
Qualitative Impact Impact that is assessed based on the quality, nature, or narrative of changes rather than numerical measurements.
Regenerative Agriculture Farming practices that restore soil health and biodiversity.
Regenerative Agriculture Certification Recognition for farming methods that enhance ecosystems and soil health.
Regenerative Agriculture Practices Farming methods that restore soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystems.
Regenerative Agriculture Principles Guidelines for farming practices that restore and rejuvenate ecosystems and soil health.
Regenerative Business Businesses focused on revitalizing the environment and society.
Regenerative Business Certification Recognition for companies that focus on revitalizing ecosystems and communities.
Regenerative Business Incubator Programs Initiatives that support companies in developing strategies to restore and revitalize ecosystems and communities.
Regenerative Business Incubators Programs that help businesses develop strategies for rejuvenating communities and environments.
Regenerative Business Practices Strategies and actions aimed at restoring and revitalizing communities and ecosystems.
Regenerative Design Designing products or systems with the intention of restoring and improving ecosystems.
Regenerative Supply Chain A supply chain designed to restore ecosystems and communities.
Resilience The ability of a company to adapt to and recover from challenges.
Resilience A system’s ability to adapt and recover from disturbances.
Resource Allocation Deciding how to distribute resources, including funds, time, and personnel, to maximize impact.
Responsible Consumption Making choices that consider the impact on society and the environment.
Responsible Tourism Traveling with a commitment to minimizing negative impacts on the environment and local communities.
Responsible Tourism Certification Recognition for travel and tourism companies following responsible practices.
Responsible Tourism Promotion Efforts to encourage travelers to choose responsible and sustainable tourism options.
Result Chains A representation of how inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts are interconnected in a logical sequence.
Risk Mitigation Identifying and planning for potential challenges or adverse consequences that may affect impact goals.
Scalability Planning for the ability to expand and replicate successful impact strategies or interventions to reach a larger audience.
Shared Value Creating value for both the company and society through business practices.
Shared Values Principles and beliefs that align between a company and its customers or stakeholders.
Social Costs The total costs associated with an economic activity, including both private costs (borne by the parties directly involved) and external costs (borne by third parties).
Social Enterprise A business structured to prioritize social or environmental objectives.
Social Entrepreneur An individual creating businesses to solve societal problems.
Social Entrepreneur Incubator Programs Support and mentorship initiatives for social entrepreneurs seeking to launch and grow their ventures.
Social Entrepreneur Incubators Programs that support and nurture social entrepreneurs in launching and growing their ventures.
Social Entrepreneurship Businesses aimed at solving social issues.
Social Entrepreneurship Incubators Programs that support the growth of social enterprises and startups.
Social Equity A commitment to justice and equal opportunity for all.
Social Impact The measurable effect of an organization’s activities on society and the environment.
Social Impact The positive changes in society, such as improvements in quality of life, equity, or well-being, caused by an intervention.
Social Impact Investment Investing for financial returns alongside positive social outcomes.
Social Impact Measurement Framework A structured system for assessing the social and environmental consequences of business activities.
Social Impact Measurement Tools Resources for assessing and quantifying the social consequences of business actions.
Social Impact Metrics Data used to measure the tangible effects of a company’s actions on society.
Social Impact Strategy A plan for achieving positive societal and environmental outcomes.
Social Innovation Creative solutions to societal problems through business.
Social Innovation Lab A space dedicated to developing creative solutions for societal issues.
Social License to Operate Public acceptance of a company’s activities in a community.
Social Responsibility Index A measure of a company’s social impact performance.
Social Responsibility Initiatives Programs and projects aimed at addressing societal issues.
Social Responsibility Programs Initiatives aimed at addressing and alleviating societal challenges.
Social Responsibility Reporting Communicating a company’s initiatives and achievements in addressing societal challenges.
Stakeholder Any individual or group affected by or affecting a company’s operations.
Stakeholder Dialogue Engaging in open and collaborative discussions with various stakeholders.
Stakeholder Engagement Involving stakeholders in decision-making and actions.
Stakeholder Engagement Involving key stakeholders in the planning process to ensure their perspectives and needs are considered.
Stakeholder Engagement Framework A structured approach for involving stakeholders in a company’s decision-making processes.
Stakeholder Engagement Tools Software and systems for effectively involving stakeholders in decision-making processes.
Stakeholder Inclusivity Initiatives Strategies to involve a broad range of stakeholders in decision-making.
Stakeholder Inclusivity Training Programs for educating employees and stakeholders about the importance of involving diverse voices in decision-making.
Stakeholder Mapping Identifying and analyzing a company’s various stakeholders.
Strategic Planning The process of identifying goals and objectives and determining how to achieve them through a structured plan.
Supply Chain Exploitation Trafficking within global supply chains, such as forced labor in manufacturing.
Sustainability The practice of conducting business in a way that minimizes negative impacts on the environment and society.
Sustainability Advocacy Promoting environmental and social causes through activism and public engagement.
Sustainability Advocacy Campaigns Promotional efforts aimed at raising awareness of environmental and social issues.
Sustainability Advocate Networks Groups and organizations dedicated to promoting sustainable practices.
Sustainability Consultancy Expert advice for businesses on sustainable practices.
Sustainability Dashboard A visual tool for tracking and communicating sustainability performance.
Sustainability Marketing Strategies promoting eco-friendly and socially responsible products.
Sustainability Metrics Key performance indicators for tracking and assessing a company’s sustainability efforts.
Sustainability Officer An executive responsible for overseeing a company’s sustainability efforts.
Sustainability Planning Strategies to ensure that positive impacts are maintained over the long term and do not have negative consequences.
Sustainability Report A document outlining a company’s environmental and social impacts and goals.
Sustainability Reporting Framework A standardized structure for creating sustainability reports that align with industry best practices.
Sustainability Reporting Software Tools for streamlining the process of creating sustainability reports.
Sustainable Agriculture Farming methods that prioritize environmental conservation and responsible land use.
Sustainable Agriculture Certification Verification of farming practices that prioritize environmental and societal well-being.
Sustainable Agriculture Certification Standards Criteria for verifying farming practices that prioritize environmental and societal well-being.
Sustainable Design Principles Guidelines for creating products and solutions with minimal environmental impact.
Sustainable Development Economic growth that considers social and environmental factors.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) A set of 17 global goals established by the United Nations to address a range of global challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, and environmental degradation.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Impact Assessment Evaluating a company’s alignment with the United Nations’ global goals.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Reporting Communicating a company’s efforts to align with the UN’s global goals.
Sustainable Development Reporting Documentation of a company’s commitment to sustainable business practices.
Sustainable Packaging Environmentally friendly materials and designs for product packaging.
Sustainable Packaging Materials Environmentally friendly and biodegradable materials for product packaging.
Sustainable Practices Eco-friendly methods and processes.
Sustainable Procurement The practice of sourcing goods and services in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.
Sustainable Product Development Creating products with minimal environmental impact.
Sustainable Tourism Travel and tourism that minimizes environmental impact.
Sustainable Transportation Environmentally friendly modes of transportation.
Sustainable Transportation Solutions Eco-friendly modes of transportation and infrastructure.
System Thinking An approach to understanding complex issues by examining the interactions and relationships within a system.
Systems Mapping Visual representation of a system’s components and their relationships.
Theory of Change A comprehensive framework that outlines the causal pathways from inputs to outcomes, helping to plan for impact.
Transparency Openly sharing information about a company’s practices and policies.
Triple Bottom Line A business approach that considers social, environmental, and financial outcomes.
Triple P Bottom Line People, Planet, Profit, the three dimensions of corporate sustainability.
UN Sustainable Development Goals Global goals for a sustainable and equitable future.
Unintended Consequences Unexpected negative outcomes that occur as a result of an action.
Values-Based Marketing Aligning marketing with a company’s core values.
Visual Storytelling Using visual representations, diagrams, and maps to communicate the impact plan and its components effectively.


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