✓ Learn a language.
✓ Get in shape.
✓ Clean out the shed.
✓ Create a scrapbook.
✓ Make tiramisu.
We’ve all seen the lists: “5 Productive Things to do While #StayingHome”
Well if you’re anything like us, those lists may seem overly ambitious when you’re just trying to get through the next Zoom call without your kids coming in for yet another snack. So instead, we’ve focused our efforts on five things that can actually happen to make a real difference for your brand on the other side of this pandemic. Check out our tips below and please share yours in the comments section.
1. Don’t disappear on your customers
Your loyalists want to hear from you. Think about how you can be of service to their truest needs during these uncertain times. Over-communicate. Let them know you’re here – now and in the future. Even if you’re not sure what to say, customers will appreciate the honesty. Check out this Instagram post from Tony’s for inspiration.
View this post on Instagram
2. Consider shifting normal operations for the greater good
If we’ve learned anything over the past month, it’s that fighting this virus calls for all hands on deck. Challenge yourself to think about shifting business operations for the greater good. Not only do you have the potential to fulfill a global need at a critical moment, but customers will remember the brands that stepped up when we needed them most. Walmart, Target, CVS, and Walgreens are converting store space to serve as coronavirus test centers, while many brands are stepping up to begin production of masks, and Anheuser-Busch is using their existing supply and logistics setup to produce hand sanitizer.
We have a long history of supporting our communities and employees – this time is no different. That’s why we are using our supply and logistics network to begin producing and distributing bottles of hand sanitizer to accommodate the growing needs across the United States. pic.twitter.com/nqImcE5WJP
— Anheuser-Busch (@AnheuserBusch) March 22, 2020
3. Think about your customers’ real lives
Remember: everyone’s life is in some way different than it was two months ago. How can you help customers weather this crisis as it presents in their daily lives? Guru clients have stepped up to provide free Kids Yoga Classes (thanks to Wee Yogis) and Punny Coloring Pages (from our friends at Clover Sonoma).
4. Get caught up
We all have a “rainy day” list of initiatives that are begging for a jumpstart, but always seem to stall because of competing priorities. Find spaciousness to jump on these long-term projects that will set you up for success in our post-pandemic world. At Guru that’s meant launching our long-awaited Conscious Consumer Targeting Platform. (More to share on that front soon!)
5. Lemonade out of lemons
Imagine ways to turn the current circumstance into a direct business opportunity. Delivery services like DoorDash are offering $0 fees in support of local restaurant orders and big box retailer BJ’s recognized a need to get groceries into people’s homes with free same day delivery.
Lastly, it’s important to acknowledge the fact that life will not go back to the way it was when COVID-19 is behind us. We’ll have different habits, patterns, expectations. Right now, businesses have a real opportunity to rapidly ideate new and different endeavors, through this lens. And if you’re interested, Guru can showcase our innovation expertise, with remote sessions while we ideate new products and services for your brand. Email connect@weareguru.com to learn how we could partner with your team to prepare for post-pandemic success.
And remember, #WeAreAllInThisTogether