You Found Us. Now Find Yourself.

Chances are, you landed on this page because you scanned our nifty QR code after meeting a Guru Crew member. Or, you randomly found this after stumbling through the internet. Either way, we’re excited to have you here! Now, we can begin our work together to help you find your brand’s soul.

So, Who is Guru?

We are a small-but-mighty, bicoastal collective of creative and strategic thinkers using our powers for good to help heroes like you crystalize your message and catalyze your movement.

But why would we make you read when we have a killer animation you could watch instead? Take a look!

Big shout out to our friends at Hemmings House for their co-creation and production of this animation!

Looking for more answers?

We love talking about ourselves! Here are some things you could do…

Get to Know Us and Meet Our Crew

Learn More About What We Do

Check Out Our Conscious Consumer Targeting Platform™

Read Our 2021 Impact Report

Let’s Get Started

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Give us a call: 303-564-0937

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