There are surely innumerous ways in which the COVID-19 crisis has negatively impacted our day-to-day lives. But in the Guru spirit of increasing joy, we’re taking this opportunity to celebrate Earth Day by highlighting a few of the positive implications this pandemic has had on Mother Earth.

1. Clear Skies in China – and Around the World

In just the month of February, pollution levels in China fell 25%. With various stages of lockdown making their way across the globe, we’ve seen air quality improvements on a mass scale like never before. Check out these interactive sliding before-and-after photos.

2. Dolphins in the Canal

For the first time in a long time, the canals of Venice, Italy are flowing with clean, clear water. This has residents enjoying fish, dolphins, and swans that have returned to their natural habitat. Read More →

3. Bears Roam Yosemite

Since Yosemite National Park closed to human visitors on March 20, the animals have been having a party. The bear population has quadrupled and can be seen roaming streets that are typically abuzz with vehicles. Read More →

4. Carbon Emissions Sharply Decline

With significant travel restrictions and depressed manufacturing, carbon emissions have sharply declined. Between February and March, China’s carbon output declined 18%, which was equivalent to 250 million metric tons of carbon pollution. Read More →

5. Less Vibrations

Seismologists in Belgium discovered a 30-50% reduction in ambient seismic noise since lockdowns were first imposed. Not only does this allow for more accurate detections of smaller natural events, like earthquakes and landslides, but it also provides a baseline for the planet’s natural state without billions of people interacting on a daily basis. Read More →

6. Lounging Lions in South Africa

With Kruger National Park closed since March 25, their local lion pride has taken to soaking up the sunshine on the paved roads that are often full of passing cars. Read More →

7. Goats on the Go

Wild goats took to the streets in the coastal Wales town of Llandudno. They were spotted grazing on grass from church grounds, flower beds, and residential properties. Read More →

8. Sea Turtles Safely Nest

With Florida beaches closed, researchers are not only seeing a decrease in plastic and waste, but also an increase in undisturbed leatherback sea turtle nests. Read More →

HAPPY EARTH DAY and a friendly reminder from the Guru Crew:

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