Guru has embarked on a new journey to co-launch an incredibly inspiring work and play collective on the water in Sausalito, California. The storied halls that once hosted the most iconic musicians and echoed some of the most famous tunes of our times as The Record Plant are now home to Harmonia, a health and well-being social club and shared workspace for Guru.

Harmonia is a growing hub of creativity, and the Guru staff based within the shared space can pause to take a yoga class alongside other Harmonia members, reset a chaotic day with 20 minutes in the infrared sauna, or choose to work in the garden studio for fresh air and natural inspiration.

To bring the collaborative creativity back into the harmonic halls of this historic building, and start to manifest community through new engaging programming that welcomes members to share their passions and inspire the whole of the collective, Harmonia and Guru have launched a new series called, “Mystery Mondays.”

To launch the first edition of Mystery Mondays, Guru’s Founder and CEO Jared “Gagan” Levy offered to share the impactful teachings of his teacher, the incredible thought leader that wrote, “Be Here Now,” Ram Dass. Gagan focused primarily on Ram Dass’ teachings circle around the following concept: “Love Everyone. Serve Everyone. Remember God.”

As the love and “teachings” of Neem Karoli Baba (Maharaji) continue to pour out of the Love Serve Remember Foundation, Ram Dass is reaching more people than ever. To ensure authentic “torch passing” of this legacy, and to facilitate the continuation of the teachings to future generations, it is important to share these learnings with inspired communities like Harmonia.

A great group of folks assembled to listen to Gagan share his knowledge and passion, which sparked an ensuing discussion around compassion, service, presence, and even how to look at difficult times as “grist for the mill.” The evening began with a short story about Ram Dass’ crazy phases of life from head of psych at Harvard, to psychedelics, to the teacher in the robe who truly imported eastern philosophy to the west. After a powerful Metta meditation to a short clip of Ram Dass’ captivating lecture at Naropa around how to move from “roles to souls,” the group closed out with a beautiful talk over tea.

You can learn more and get access to the teachings of Ram Dass and other thought leaders at RamDass.org, download the mobile application from the foundation called “HeartMind” or check out the podcast network at BeHereNowNetwork.com.

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